Online Learning With Biased Sampling
Say that you train a model to predict who will click on an ad. Say that you deploy the model to only show ads to people who are likely to click on them. (For a discussion about the optimal strategy for who to show ads to, see here.) And say you use the clicks from the people who see the ad to continue to tune the parameters. (This is a close approximation of a standard implementation of online learning in online advertising.)
In effect, once you launch the model, you only get data from a biased set of users. Such a sampling bias can be a problem when the data generating process (how the 1s and the 0s are generated) changes in a way such that changes above the threshold (among the kinds of people who we get data from) are uncorrelated with how it changes below the threshold (among the people who we do not get data from). The concerning aspect is that if this happens, the model continues to “work,” in that the accuracy can continue to be high even as recall (the proportion of people for whom the ad is relevant) becomes lower over time. There is only one surefire way to diagnose the issue and address it: continue to collect some data from people below the threshold and learn if the data generating process is changing.