Some Facts About Indian Polling Stations
Of the 748,584 polling stations for which we have self-reported data on building conditions, nearly 24% report having Internet. A similar number report having “Landline Telephone/Fax Connection.”
97.7% report having toilets for men and women.
2.6% report being in a “dilapidated or dangerous” building.
93.2% report having ramps for the disabled. 98.3% report having “proper road connectivity.” Nearly 4% report being located at a place where the “voters have to cross river/valley/ravine or natural obstacle to reach PS.”
92% of the polling stations are located in “Govt building/Premises.” And 11.4% are reportedly located in “an institution/religious place.”
8% report having a “political party office situated within 200 meters of PS premises.”
For underlying data and scripts, see here.