The Value of Bad Models
This is not a note about George Box’s quote about models. Neither is it about explainability. The first is trite. And the second is a mug’s game.
Imagine the following: you get hundreds of emails a day, and someone must manually sort which emails are urgent and which are not. The process is time-consuming. So you want to build a model. You estimate that a model with an error rate of 5% or less will save time—the additional work from addressing the erroneous five will be outweighed by the “free” correct classification of the other 95.
Say that you build a model. And if you dichotomize at p = .5, the model accurately classifies 70% of all emails. Even though the accuracy is less than 95%, should we put the model in production?
Often, the answer is yes. When you put such a model in production, it generally saves effort right away. Here’s how. If you get people to (continue to) manually classify the emails that the model is uncertain about, say with p-values between .3 and .7, the accuracy of the model on the rest of rows is generally vastly higher. More generally, you can choose the cut-offs for which humans need to code in a way that reduces the error to an acceptable level. And then use a hybrid approach to capitalize on the savings and like Matthew 22:21, render to model the region where the model does well, and to humans the rest.